These are just some websites that I want people to go go to them!
My LiveJournal(A bit of a diary of the billy u could say)
Jen H.'s website
The Dink Network (It's a fun RPG game!)
GameFAQs (For all my game cheating and walkthrough needs!)
CNET Downloads (Great site for downloading like...everything)
Rob's (GODD) website (It's family fun for everyone!)
The Dew Lounge(Another one by GODD)
Intolerable Exuberance (It's so disturbing....I love it!(don't worry not naughty bad just scary with lots of flashing colors))
Yatta! (The real video for the song in Intolerable Exuberance..and translated lyrics!)
Mindless Dream (Very good local band here)
Dayna's Diary
Jessicaw's! website
G-Dog'd Website yo!(My friend Greg C.)
The Green Day International Superclub (Jessicaw's yahoo group website)
Helicopter game...IT'S FUN AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!!!
Welcome to the Realm of Magic (It's a MUD(Multi-user Dungeon)...adventuer texting!)
We ARE!!!(My band website)
Weeeeeeee! (Funny squirrely fun!)
The Official Ninja Webpage: REAL Ultimate Power!!(They flip out ALL THE TIME!)
These are some online comics I read...funny stuff! Take a look.
8-bit Theater
Penny Arcade
Save Point