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Billy's Poems
GODD's Rant

All the happy rantings of GODD

Okay people you've done it now!  I'm going to go crazy if you people don't stop eating toe fungus butt burgers.  The monkey spasum fart meter is going to flaten the fladulent mankey squish.  Oh the humanity of the cheesey ear wax.  Fear the gludis maximus hog turn table.  How much weight can my brain depleet?  Who is the guy at the bus stop?  I have wet myself and need repairing.  Stop rummeging and eat the torn flesh of a mothers goat milk.  Nieh my naval itches!!  Oh and as some one once said, "Mommy, why do the tape worms cling to my anal cavity?"  And as some one once replyed, "Oh my god what is that growing on your head?"
(Public Service Announcement From:)

HAHAHAHAHAHa I think not!! The toilet is very potent!! like jelly donuts! FEar the bagel juices! I have eaten the soil of the plant in the yard! AHHHH the monkey has bitten the ankular chest demon!! SUIRT!!!!


The Evil in the air has risen to above sixty percent. All those who are good shall be converted to evil by the evil waves of evilness. Soon I will take over the world and destroy those who oppose. Well I will eat the cerel of the Godd's and slowly ingegest the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Skittios that you all love soo much. Im sure all have noticed the lack of toilet paper in your bathrooms.  That is because the curse of Toiletzilla  is upon you and you all shall be slowly besieged and then you will no longer have the toilets paper that you hold so dear. Sooon all of you shall be experienceing the lack of wiping materials, there by making it impossible for you to wipe your unmentionables areas. But I will be in large supply of these wiping good that you need and that my friends is how i plan on taking over the universe. But im sure some of you have planned against this ineveitable out come and will try to stop me.  But you suppplies will run out and I shall then take you down and make you my personal slaves....Muwahahahahahahaha... okay im finished with my vivid imagination, you all can come out from hiding now. Hello???, HELLO????

Okay i want to know who has been eating my toilet paper monkey shrivel? I have worked hard to accomplish all that has wasted our time, and I rufuse to let the squirrel chips destroy my anal fungus!! I deniy you the ass beverage of the trukey. Do not confound the greatness of the toe jam saucage!! For the funky demon shit slingers will desend into a pile of goopy shurbert and will then eat the first born sock unto every anus!! I will avenge thee vaccumm of the other-verse!! Watch as I Pull a rabbit from my ureethra!! The pain will be more soft as i eat the frozy whale testicles!! The deep Vaginal creams call to my every dessert!! And I will no longer desire the cheese from the Babbooon of sexy frog guts ass! Behold as I watch my Navel crust over with beetle sauce i have made from my intestinal watse bucket. Soon now the world will fall to the control of all rotting fruit bats, For their god like speed make the the kills of yester-year and soon the will resurect the Grusome Ass goblin of joyus orgasm juice!!

Ahhh...turkey baster...